શરદી, તાવ, પથરી, ધાધર, કેન્સર અને બીજા 100 થી વધુ રોગો માટે અમૃત સમાન છે આ ઔષધી

Throat - Amrita whose consumption leads to immortality, immortality, disease-freeness.  The throat of the neem tree is like nectar.  Pungent in throat taste, Bitter, Sweet in digestion, Enhancer of all metals, Warm in quality, Mild, Appetizer, Tonic, Remover of all three doshas, ​​Amdosa, Thirst, Swelling, Primeha, Cough, Pandu,  Everyone has jaundice.  Cures skin diseases, fever, tumor, kermia, vomiting, respiratory diseases, warts, urinary retention and heart disease.  Cloves are excellent memory enhancers and immunity boosters.  Take a fresh stem from a neem tree or any other innocent tree and remove the paper-thin yellow bark from it.  Cut it into small pieces and dry it in the shade.  Then grind it finely.

શરદી, તાવ, પથરી, ધાધર, કેન્સર અને બીજા 100 થી વધુ રોગો માટે અમૃત સમાન છે આ ઔષધી

To be innocent can be takenશ in any quantity.  Take 1-1 teaspoon thrice a day with water.  Ziranjvar - In chronic fever, take 1-1 spoon with lime water daily in the morning and evening.  Diabetes- Diabetic patients take 1-1 lemon with water.  Taking it with pure honey will be more beneficial.  Taking equal quantity of turmeric and amla powder with honey along with turmeric powder gives more benefit.

Pradar- It is consumed by women whose body is washed.  Tuberculosis - Always take 1-1 teaspoon twice a day with milk.  Amvat - Take equal quantity of ginger powder in water in the morning and evening.  The heat of the metallurgical place is taken with water or milk in the morning and evening in the case of dream defects, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, Una etc.  Note: This powder is tridoshahamak, rasayana, diet, eye, blood purifier etc.  The part that is removed shows the fleshy part in green.  The part appears rounded by cutting.  The leaves are heart-shaped, arranged in alternate rows like edible leaves.  Whose diameter is 2 to 4 inches.  Neck vine produces small yellow flowers in summer.  And after that the fruits settle down, they are small to the size of a pea and turn red when ripe.  Its seeds are white, sticky like chili seeds.

The bark contains chemical elements such as quinones, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, coumarins, terpenoids, essential oils, alkaloids, lactic, polypeptides, glycosides, saponins, steroids, so these barks are very useful for the treatment of many diseases.  The flowers, roots and bark are used in the form of powder, powder, juice and decoction.  We will tell about where throat is used as a remedy in the treatment of diseases, through which you can also do this remedy.  Immunity: Due to low immunity in the body, many diseases occur in the body.  In such a situation, if the throat is consumed then it is very beneficial.  Among the medicinal properties of jowar, it is highly immunomodulatory, which enhances immunity.  Chronic fever Chronic fever: When the problem of fever does not go away even after 10 to 15 days, then the person may have chronic fever.  Throat is very beneficial in this problem.  Throat is very beneficial in this fever.  The vines and leaves are used for this.  It has antipyretic, antimalarial and antimalarial properties.  Improves Digestion: The medicinal properties of saffron include digestive issues, so it helps in curing diarrhea and dysentery as well as constipation.  Therefore, it is believed that throat is very useful for strengthening the digestive system.

Diabetes: Fenugreek has sugar-reducing properties, so fenugreek is very beneficial in diabetes and fenugreek is used as a medicine.  Due to its hypoglycemic properties, the activity of insulin increases in the body and the blood sugar level is controlled, hence it is very beneficial to get rid of diabetes.  Dengue: Throat is considered a storehouse of medicinal properties.  In which chemicals that increase immunity are available, throat increases the ability to fight against deadly diseases by increasing immunity.  These diseases also include diseases like malaria and dengue.  Throat prevents viral infection of this disease.  Asthma Dum: Throat is very useful to get rid of the problem of asthma.  Drinking honey mixed with its juice provides relief in asthma.

Arthritis: Has anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-inflammatory properties to kill inflammation in the throat, resulting in effective anti-arthritic and pain-relieving anti-osteoporetic properties to relieve arthritis.  Consuming any type of sore throat gives relief from this condition.  Eye diseases: Throat is useful in the treatment of eye related problems.  Which is thanks to the immunomodulatory properties that enhance immunity.  In this way, the disease is destroyed by increasing immunity in eye diseases.  It provides relief from diseases like burning in the eyes, jaundice, watery eyes and cataract.

Cataract: Mix 1 gram honey and 1 gram sindhav salt in 10 ml throat juice and mix it well.  Mixing the decoction of Triphala in the throat juice and taking 10 to 20 ml decoction with 1 gram of papli powder and honey, and taking it twice a day improves eyesight.  Sexual desires are effective: physical desires and sexual problems etc. can be aroused through the throat.  When the human body is sick, there is a lack of sexual desire and hormones.  throat immunity The aphrodisiac effect of the enhancer leads to an increase in sexual desire.

Reduces body's effect against aging: Throat has anti-angiogenic effect due to the chemical elements present in the throat. It is useful in many health related ailments.  As the age of the person increases, wrinkles start appearing on the body and face and the person starts looking old, whereas regular consumption of turmeric does not show the effect of age.  So, this intake keeps the body young. Jaundice: The juice of jaundice leaves is very useful for jaundice patients.  Jaundice is cured by drinking the juice extracted from the pharynx and also provides relief from fever and pain that accompany it.  In addition to gargle juice, gargle powder can also be used to get rid of jaundice.  Jaundice is cured by taking one to two spoons of turmeric powder and honey mixed with breakfast or food twice a day, taking 20 to 30 ml of throat broth mixed with 2 spoons of honey ends jaundice.  Grind 10 to 20 leaves of Gangajal and put it in a glass of buttermilk and drink it, it cures jaundice.  Indigestion: Throat also removes indigestion in digestive problems.  A person suffering from digestive problems like constipation, acidity and indigestion can get rid of these problems by throat service.  Throat decoction cures many diseases of the stomach.  To overcome this problem, taking half a teaspoon of turmeric powder daily with warm water before sleeping at night gets rid of problems like constipation, indigestion and acidity.

Cough: Gargling is very beneficial for a person suffering from cough for several days.  Glow has anti-allergic properties which can provide quick relief from cold and flu.  The decoction of mother's throat is also beneficial for getting relief from cough.  To get rid of cough, make a decoction of it and take it with honey twice a day, it provides relief in cough.  Fever: Due to antipyretic properties of the throat, it gives relief from chronic fever in old age.  This gives relief from serious problems like dengue, malaria, swine flu.  In case of fever, taking its powder twice a day ends fever.

Anemia: There are many diseases due to lack of blood in the body, in which the most dangerous disease caused by lack of blood is anemia.  Most women are more troubled by anemia.  Clove juice is very beneficial for women suffering from anemia.  Clove juice removes the lack of blood in the body and increases immunity.  Drinking two to three spoons of saffron juice with honey or water ends anemia. Liver problems: Drinking too much alcohol causes damage in many ways.  In such a situation, the throat powder acts as a tonic for the liver.  It purifies the blood and increases the level of antioxidant enzymes.  Thus, it regulates the function of the liver and keeps the liver healthy.  Many liver diseases are cured by the consumption of saffron.  Mixing one to two pinches of turmeric powder with honey and taking it twice a day ends liver problems.

Hiccups: Putting ginger powder in the throat and nose stops hiccups.  Make a paste of throat paste and ginger chutney and drink it with milk, it stops hiccups.  Hiccups stop because food or husks stuck in the esophagus and trachea are removed and cleared by this intake of the throat.

Ear disease: To extract the juice of bael, soaking it in warm water and putting 2-2 drops in the ear cleans the earwax.  Along with this, other diseases of the ear are also removed.  The throat clears the earwax without causing any side effects or harm to the ear. 

TB: Throat is very useful to remove the problem of TB patient.  For this it is necessary to make its decoction to make this medicine.  Make a decoction by mixing equal quantity of Ashwagandha, Kantha, Shatavari, Dashmoli, Balmool, Ardunchi, Pohkarmool in this and drinking 20 to 30 ml decoction in the morning and evening, it cures TB disease.  Drinking this decoction with milk is very beneficial.  Vomiting: In case of vomiting due to acidity, mixing 4 to 6 grams of sugar candy in the juice of the throat stops vomiting by taking it twice a day.  Mix 15 to 30 grams honey in 125 to 250 ml throat sauce and take it thrice a day, it ends vomiting, taking 20 to 30 ml throat decoction mixed with honey stops vomiting due to fever.  Mix sugar candy in the juice of the throat and take, it ends vomiting.  Constipation: Boil 20 grams horseradish, bile and coriander in equal quantity in half a liter of water, when one-fourth part of water is mixed in it, make a decoction and drink it twice a day, it ends constipation. 

Acidity: Mixing jaggery and sugar in 10 to 20 ml throat juice ends acidity.  Taking 20 to 30 ml throat decoction or chutney mixed with 2 spoons of honey ends acidity.  Apart from this, 10 to 30 ml decoction of peel, boiling the peel in half a liter of water, mixing honey in 10 to 30 ml decoction, cooling it cures swelling, cough, high breath, fever and acidity.

Cancer: Consumption of gourd and wheat flour cures cancer.  Cancer patients are greatly benefited by doing this remedy.  Take 10 grams green leaves of wheatgrass, 2 feet long and one finger thick, grind it with some water and squeeze it with a cloth and take 1 cup of this solution on an empty stomach, diseases like cancer are also cured.

Elephantiasis: Mix 30 ml mustard oil with 10 to 20 ml throat juice and take it daily, it cures ivory disease.  This disease is known as filariasis.  Epilepsy is a serious disease in which a person's body parts become very swollen.  It is caused by filarial worm.  Mixing 50 ml bitter gourd oil in 10 to 20 grams of bitter gourd juice and drinking it on an empty stomach cures piles. Weight loss: Gourd is very useful to overcome the problem of excess weight and body weight gain.  Mixing one spoonful of throat juice with one spoon of honey and taking it in the morning and evening reduces weight and body.  Apart from this, there is a lack of blood in the body due to worms and germs in the stomach, at this time the germs die due to consumption of throat.

Dhadhar: By drinking the juice of the throat, diseases of the blood are removed.  Throat clears blood.  Due to which the blood is purified, due to which skin diseases are removed.  Along with this, the immunity of the throat also increases, due to which the diseases caused by fungus and germs are also destroyed.  Grinding gorse leaves with turmeric, applying it on the affected area and drinking gorse juice with honey, cures gout.

Chikungunya: Throat cools the body.  It gives relief from fever.  By the way, the throat is also very effective in Chikungunya.  Throat intake regulates white blood cells.  It has anti-inflammatory properties in throat and phlegm and controls asthma and blood sugar in diabetes.  Swelling: Gargling removes swelling of the feet.  If there is no benefit even after taking many measures, then gargling will give the necessary benefit.  Mixing a decoction of neem leaves and gooseberry juice and taking it 2-3 times a day ends swelling of the hands and feet.  Kapha: Taking gargle and honey removes phlegm.  Many people have cold and cough.  Kapha is responsible for this problem.  Drinking two spoons of garter juice daily destroys phlegm completely.  Throat has the property of purifying the body and blood, thereby keeping the lungs, trachea and nose clean and if there is phlegm, it is expelled through the stool.  Gargling with honey removes phlegm.  Heart attack: Consumption of black pepper and gargling with hot water cures chest diseases.  Many heart-related problems are removed by consuming this mixture continuously for seven days.  The elements present in the throat regulate blood pressure and its circulation level.  Cholesterol is also controlled, which reduces the risk of heart attack.

 Leprosy: Taking 10 to 20 ml throat juice regularly two to three times a day cures leprosy.  Leprosy is cured by drinking throat juice as much as possible and then eating only moong dal soup with rice and ghee.  Acne: A person suffering from acne and pimples can get rid of acne and pimples as well as boils by crushing the fruit in the throat.  Grinding gourd leaves in honey and applying it on boils cures boils.

Stones: Mixing 2 grams stone bheda powder in one spoon honey with 10 to 20 ml juice of the throat and taking it 4-5 times a day cures stones.  Apart from this, by using throat as a medicine, diseases like gas, leprosy, spleen tumor, thirst, swelling, white spots, white hair, early fall, brain diseases, headache etc. are cured.  Thus, the vines, roots, leaves, seeds, fruits, flowers and bark of saffron are used to make powders, juices, decoctions and pastes to cure many diseases and ailments.  With this information, you will be able to remove the diseases caused by the use of throat.  Hope this information about the medicinal properties of this throat will be very useful for you and with its use you will be able to get rid of the disease and maintain a healthy body.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાચવાં અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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