સ્વાસ્થ્ય માટે અદભૂત ફાયદાકારક છે આ ફળ, જાણો તેના અદભુત ફાયદાઓ વિચે...

 Pumpkin is a vine fruit of the melon and sugarcane species. Pumpkin skin is thick and sticky. Also, its embryo is yellow, dark green and orange to red in color. Pumpkin is used in making soups and vegetables. Raw kola juice is consumed because it is more nutritious. Here we will tell about the benefits of pumpkin through this article.

The botanical name of pumpkin is Cucurbita maxi. Which is called Pitakushmand, Kashifal, Gramya or Kadima in Sanskrit. Which is known as Lal Kumdha, Kohda or Kaddu in Hindi.

Immunity: Pumpkin contains a good amount of magnesium, which helps in strengthening the muscles and the immune system. It strengthens the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells in the body. Which is very beneficial in fighting different types of infections like fever, flu, cold and cough.

Heart Health: Consumption of pumpkin prevents the build-up of plaque in the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. The amount of antioxidants in pumpkin prevents hardening of the arteries. It reduces the risk of high blood pressure. It maintains optimum cholesterol levels.

Skin diseases: If you have oily skin, prepare a face pack of 1 teaspoon of pumpkin in 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. After this, keep it on your face for 30 minutes. After this wash your face with warm water and wash it with cold water. If you have dry skin, mix 2 teaspoons of cooked pumpkin seeds with half a teaspoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon of milk. After this apply it on the face and after 10-15 minutes wash it with lukewarm water.

Dark spots: Pumpkin can be used to remove dark spots. Prepare a face pack by taking 1 tbsp pumpkin paste, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp oil. Keep this face pack on the face for 30 minutes. When this water dries, wash it with warm water. This face pack can be used twice a week.

Hair problem: Pumpkin is a rich source of minerals like potassium and zinc. Potassium helps keep hair healthy and grow. Zinc helps to increase collagen, which plays an important role in keeping hair healthy. If your hair is dry, then hair conditioner can be prepared using pumpkin. For this, you have to make a paste by mixing 2 cups of ripe pumpkin, 1 teaspoon coprale oil, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon curd and apply it on your hair. After this wear a cap and keep it on your head for 15 minutes, then wash your hair evenly.

Weight loss: Pumpkin is a very good calorie fruit. There are only 26 calories in 100 grams of Pumpkin. So fat does not get stored in the body due to which the weight increases and the stored fat gets used up. Pumpkin has antioxidant properties that protect the respiratory system from infection. Which helps in preventing asthma attacks. Regular consumption of pumpkin reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Peptic Ulcer: Pumpkin is a very good food that helps in flushing out the toxins. It acts as a diuretic, which is very useful for removing toxins from the body. The medicinal properties of pumpkin prevent stomach ulcers.

Stress: Deficiency of one type of amino acid tryptophan in the body often leads to depression. Pumpkin is packed with L-tryptophan, an amino acid that has been shown to reduce depression and stress. The calming properties of pumpkin are very effective in treating insomnia. A person suffering from sleep problems should consume some pumpkin seeds before sleeping. It can be taken with other fruits. Pumpkin home remedies are very useful for headache due to work stress and life problems. Make a decoction of pumpkin and tamarind and take 10 to 20 ml sugar mixed with it, it cures headache.

Chapped lips: Lips get cracked due to some disease in the body or due to heat or cold. In this way, using the other part of the pumpkin in this way brings a smile on the chapped lips. Grinding the other part of pumpkin and applying it on the lips cures chapped lips.

To get rid of worms: If children are very upset due to some disease. So to get relief from this it would be beneficial to use pumpkin in this way. Stomach worms go away by taking 1-3 grams powder of yellow pumpkin seeds.

Eye Health: Pumpkin is an excellent source of Vitamin A (A). This vitamin is essential for keeping the eyes healthy and maintaining good vision. Zeaxanthin present in pumpkin is a natural substance beneficial for the eyes, which has the property of protecting the retina of the eyes from ultraviolet rays. It helps prevent age-related eye diseases in the elderly.

Acidity: The amount of acidic secretion in the stomach increases due to eating spicy food or due to any side effect. Due to which there is a burning sensation in the stomach, to avoid which pumpkin is very useful. Acidity burns inside and sour belches come. To get relief from this problem, after roasting small fruits of pumpkin, taking out its juice and drinking it, gets rid of the problem of burning sensation in the liver or liver, heart and stomach.

Harsansa: Too much spicy food, eating spicy food increases the chances of getting Harsansa disease. Pumpkin home remedies prove to be very beneficial. The dried and grated rind of pumpkin is very beneficial in Harsamsa.

Excessive bleeding: The medicinal properties of pumpkin are very useful in case of excessive bleeding due to Hersam. Boiling the pulp of pumpkin fruit in syrup and taking 5 to 10 grams of Kravathu stops the bleeding of Harsansa.

Although pumpkin is a very useful fruit, which is used especially at the time of Yajna, but it is full of medicinal properties and is very useful for mental diseases like brain disease, insanity, craze etc. It also cures many diseases. the above diseases. Therefore, due to these uses, it should be used as a medicine. Hope this information will be very useful for you.

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